Animals Worldwide proposes programmes for school children through the provision of teachings aids and, where possible, volunteer staff. We believe that an ongoing educational programme is essential in the hope that future generations will view animals with respect requiring care and attention.

SPANA already runs an excellent education programme through its’ clinics visited by hundreds of schoolchildren annually. Animals Worldwide would like to help to expand this programme throughout clinics and shelters run by other organisations and groups and to work to impress upon future generations throughout the developed and the developing world the essential role of working animals and the part they play in the welfare of the family..

Animals Worldwide also recognises the value – and the sad scarcity – of scholarship programmes that enable young veterinary graduates from developing countries to spend time (usually a year) in French, British and other university veterinary schools. There is no doubt that the skills, enthusiasms and cultural attitudes thus exchanged can play a major part in the short and longer term endeavour to improve working animal welfare and husbandry.

Animals Worldwide will therefore seek to promote such scholarships and to help to raise funds to provide for them. Through its own dedicated website Animals Worldwide will offer help, exchange advice and ideas, and will provide links to all of the existing major animal welfare websites.